Monday, July 26, 2010

Elmo pouch~

Earlier, I got a special request from Anne to make an Elmo pouch for a dear friend of hers. She is a huge Elmo fan, and the goal was to make something that speaks “Elmo!” in a minimal fussy details way…And so, I came up with Elmo’s signature facial expression as the front of the pouch, and adding a personal touch on the back of it, a “I (heart) Elmo” logo! Which is my personal favourite touch~


The beginning of the pouch-making…


LOL!! Ever wonder how different Elmo would look without its orange nose? haha! ^^ go figure~


Ta-dah! My proud final product~


My favourite personal touch, the “I (heart) Elmo” logo, on the back…


Here’s a close-up on the stitches…


Double layer of eco-felt for a sturdy pouch body


A simple sleek back design which can act as a front as well!


Sent out in moocraft’s signature brown packaging…


A custom sticky label for a simple hearty birthday wish!

That is all for now, I am now working on Pauline’s order, moocraft’s FIRST EVER order from AUSSIE!! ^^, (which is two pencil cases, and a book cover)  hahaha *happy leap*

Until next time, tata~

With love,


Friday, July 23, 2010

Moocraft is back !

Hello, my dear moocraftees! I know, moocraft is a little late, as I promised to be back on the 9th, but I was mending a broken heart, so, I couldn’t have update moocraft as soon as promised…Afterall, behind this username and password, there’s a human being with feelings…Haha,that is my belief when I am dealing with business and people online…Hope you guys understand…but no matter what, all’s well now~ and what’s important, I’ve got new crafts to show you guys… ^^ hope you’ll like them…

1) Sophia – harddisc pouch & pencil case


The two designs according to Sophia’s design requirement of something

simple, sleek & chic


The final design chosen… ^^


The very likeable grey pencil case =)


The harddisc pouch


Inner lined with silky Japanese polka fabric…


Front & back


2) Debb – customised harddisc pouch


Debb’s computerised design and my starting pieces…IMG_1045IMG_1103IMG_1105IMG_1110IMG_1107IMG_1109IMG_1112IMG_1116IMG_1120IMG_1121IMG_1124IMG_1125

3) Moocraft’s improvised packaging… *love love*


I standardised the label on sticker paper and added a new design label for the back! haha~


Do you like them???

Haha, till here for this time, more products are coming soon. As for now, I’ll be working on Crenie’s Elmo pouch, and soon, another great news~~ Moocraft is crossing the border!!! Moocraft has got its first Aussie moocraftee! Stay with moocraft ya…

Cheers to the finer things in life~

With love,